To lose as a woman's weight, after 40 years

After 40 years in a woman's body, physiological changes, and not to maintain a slender shape is easy. Harder to not only lose weight but also keep the old figure. After forty years, reduced the number of female hormones – estrogen and progesterone and more of the men comes Androgen, responsible for growth of fat tissue in the upper parts of the body: hands, belly, neck and face. In this time, also the production of Leptin, a hormone that inhibiting the appetite decreases. With age, the digestive system works slower. Physical activity for many poor women, in this age, muscle mass decreases, but the muscles are responsible for the speed of metabolism.

If you consider all these metamorphoses and does not change the type of food and way of life of the more active, then, unfortunately, with the abundance must come to terms.

losing weight after 40

Hormonal adjustments can also contribute to depression, which in turn encourages the discharge voltage with the food.

In the case of Mature people, older than 40 years, losing weight takes longer. Age-related changes in the body affect virtually all organ systems, leading to a deterioration of health and stress resistance of the organism against diseases and injuries. Of the metabolism with age, becoming more and more, it will reduce its Tempo, problems with elevated cholesterol, the heart rhythm. So much of the physical Form and health. It is that women after 40 years have a better state of health than in the youth age, despite the natural and physiological changes in your body.

Diet for losing weight after 40 years

Every woman should reduce the intake of calories to. The body for normal function, needs less energy than before because of the slowing of the metabolism. The mass of the body enough diet to keep about 1700 kcal to reduce in order to lose weight, calories, should, at regular intervals up to 1000-1200 kcal, but before you begin, you need to check with a nutritionist.

First and foremost, the simple sugars, the contribute should be excluded from the diet, the races drop in the level of glucose in the blood and bouts of Hunger and, thus, taking the limit sweets, sweet drinks, jam and honey, as well as high value-added products; salty Snacks — the source of Trans-fatty acids which increase the bad cholesterol and lower the good and salt, the effect on blood pressure.

The diet should be as varied, contain a balanced amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and, accordingly, a lot of vitamins and mineral salts. Therefore, preferably, cuisine, made with fresh and steamed vegetables, lean meat and fish should. A diet is sometimes recommends you limit the intake of fruits (up to 150 G per day) and cereal products. Also very important is physical activity to prevent the reduction in muscle mass (at least 3 times per week for an hour).

Movement not only allows you to lose the extra pounds, but also improve the mental state.

Don't forget to feed the body should be sufficiently liquid: the best way to drink water, fruit teas, herbal, green in an amount of 1.5-2L/day. You to limit coffee and strong black tea, with a maximum of 2 cups a day.

It is recommended that you reduce the consumption of animal fats (Butter, fatty pork), which contain saturated fatty acids and increase the number of vegetable oils and fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, halibut), as well as nuts contain the polyunsaturated fatty acids for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular System.

How to properly exit diet

Diet is considered healthy when per week to lose 0.5 to 1 kg, i.e. 2 to 4 kg per month. To avoid jo – jo effect, it is important to skillfully get out of the diet, what to forget, unfortunately, most of the women. The is a hypocaloric diet reduces your metabolism. Usually on the day the course ends, many return to the previous food habits. To win then, unfortunately, weight you double. Therefore, gradual increase, it is important that the energetic value of the food. So, the conclusion of the diet losing weight after 40 years, not an abrupt transition to a new way of eating, but a gradual change in the number of individual products and dishes must mean.

How to improve digestion

proper nutrition

In order to keep to support the proper work of the stomach, you should regular diet. Best 4 – 5 times a day, in small volume, portions at intervals of 3 – 4 hours. The last light meal for 1-2 hours before bedtime. To support the work of the gastro – intestinal tract, is necessary in the diet of vegetables, fruits, products made of cereals, the foods are a source of dietary fiber, as well as milk-based beverages with probiotics.

If you need to contact a nutritionist

Because of the risk of the development of different diseases, first of all, better to make a preventive diagnosis, it is more wisely the food choose to the individual needs. In weight loss, especially after 40 years, especially are not as important for basic metabolic parameters (blood, urine, etc.), how many markers of the endocrine system, line, of the female hormones.

A good nutritionist will know which Tests to assign and how to interpret them. So, if a woman lose weight after 40 years of the decision, it is recommended that this with a qualified dietician, as the experiment with the own body.

Independent slimming, especially, can damage quickly, regardless of the settings and properties of your own body, unfortunately.

Properties losing weight after 40 years

The first years of menopause, is the best time, when it will begin to lose weight, because after a certain period of time, even more the risk of weight gain increases. To not lost, if up to this time, no changes in life style, the Chance to have a beautiful slim figure, irretrievably. Less weight, through diet and physical exercise, has a positive effect on almost all organs and systems in the body. The body begins to work better, the mood rises.

The right diet increases metabolism, lowers the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the resistance against diseases. Thanks to the sporting pursuits, the skin is tightened and gives it a healthy appearance, becomes firmer. Also efficiency, more energy, increased feeling of youth returns.